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Best Sites for Car Price Quotes

After years of teaching car shoppers how to get the best deals, I've realized something important: Everyone wants a quick and easy method!

My step-by-step negotiation method WILL guarantee you the lowest price, HOWEVER, the reality is it takes a good 4 to 5 hours to complete the entire process (sometimes longer), and that can be overwhelming. I can't blame you guys for not always following through to the end.

The main "secret" behind my method is to get price bids from at least 7 different dealers. The more dealers you work with, the better the chance of getting an incredible deal. New cars are commodities, so you need to cast your net far and wide.

But it's very time-consuming to contact dealers. You need to call them, get the right person on the phone, and communicate back-and-forth via email until you get a legitimate price bid. If you contact 10 dealerships, you may only end up getting 4 or 5 price bids (it's amazing how many dealers fail to even respond).

This is why I'm a big proponent of using services like TrueCar, and CarsDirect as a first step - they allow you to quickly get price bids from dealers willing to compete on price. This tends to attract the higher volume / lower-margin dealerships - which is where you're most likely to get the best deals - and it saves you a ton of time and hassle gathering price bids.

The main problem with these services however, is that not all dealers participate through them. Each one has a different network of dealers, some overlapping, but some you can only reach through their network. I recommend using all of these services to ensure you capture as many bids as possible. The good news is that by getting price quotes through them, you get about 80% of the way towards getting the best deal. (it takes another 4-5 hours of manual effort to ensure 100% that you're getting the best deal, but like I mentioned earlier, most people aren't willing to invest that time).

Since these price quote services don't include every dealership, I'm always looking for additional sources that will help you automate the process. I'm very particular about the services I recommend - there are lots of price quote services out there, and the car shopping space attracts a lot of unscrupulous businesses, so I always want to make sure I'm recommending only the best ones.

A new price quote service I'm adding to my recommended list this week has a network comprising 8,000 new car dealers, and can be found as a drop down list at the top of most of my pages.

It's pretty straight-forward - you pick the model you're interested in, submit your information, then pick the local dealers you want price bids from (you should select all). They have made the process extremely easy.

If you're shopping for a new car and ready to get price quotes, I recommended you use these sites, including CarsDirect, to gather your initial price bids.

Since RydeShopper is a new addition to my recommended list, I'd like to know if you run into any problems or areas of concern using their service. Your feedback is important in helping me decide which services to keep on the recommended list. I test everything myself, but I rely on you guys to be my eyes and ears throughout the country. Your feedback helps other readers. You can email me directly at gregg@realcartips.com to let me know about your experience. (I read every email).

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About The Author

Gregg Fidan Gregg Fidan is the founder of RealCarTips. After being ripped off on his first car purchase, he devoted several years to figuring out the best ways to avoid scams and negotiate the best car deals. He has written hundreds of articles on the subject of car buying and taught thousands of car shoppers how to get the best deals.

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