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Toyota Offering Deals on 2011 Models

Toyota Deals on 2011 ModelsIn order to move the merchandise, Toyota is keeping incentives and dealer discounts high.

Because of recent safety and recall troubles, Toyota dealers are forced to accept lower gross profits, resulting in transaction prices on new 2011 models that are the lowest of all mainstream brands.

Despite deep discounting at both the manufacturer and dealer level, Toyota has seen sales rise a meager 1% so far this year, while most of the rest of the industry is posting double digit increases.

The discounts on the top-selling Camry have been particularly strong, leading dealers to complain about their inability to get good margins.

Toyota sales are weighted heavily in two markets still rooted in recession, California and Florida, further skewing nationwide transaction price figures as dealers in those states become more desperate to sell cars.

Toyota's factory incentives are still on the low side, industry-wide, putting more pressure on dealers to cut margins, in order to stay competitive. The result is the lowest transaction price as a percentage of sticker price on new 2011 cars.

If you're considering buying a 2011 model, you should definitely be considering Toyota if you want to get a great deal.

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About The Author

Gregg Fidan Gregg Fidan is the founder of RealCarTips. After being ripped off on his first car purchase, he devoted several years to figuring out the best ways to avoid scams and negotiate the best car deals. He has written hundreds of articles on the subject of car buying and taught thousands of car shoppers how to get the best deals.

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