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Good Deals on 2010 Volkswagen Golf

Volkswagen GolfVW used to mean economy. "Think Small" they touted.

But nowadays, it's more like "Think Bigger" as in bigger sticker price, bigger maintenance costs, and bigger gas bill. So Volkswagen is taking steps to change all that, with a slew of attractive deals.

Now through June 30, you can take advantage of 0% financing for up to 60 months on a new Golf. Or get $1,000 back through available dealer cash. Lease customers can grab lease rates as low as 1%, with $0 security deposit and $500 in lease bonus cash.

For recent college grads, there's an additional $500 in dealer cash (finance or lease.) Unfortunately, none of these deals are for the desirable TDI models.

Though it's not the most economical car out there, the VW Golf does get by on a budget, while offering a level of refinement that's a clear step above the econo-box competition. So maybe their slogan should be, "Think Medium."

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About The Author

Gregg Fidan Gregg Fidan is the founder of RealCarTips. After being ripped off on his first car purchase, he devoted several years to figuring out the best ways to avoid scams and negotiate the best car deals. He has written hundreds of articles on the subject of car buying and taught thousands of car shoppers how to get the best deals.

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