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Saab Stays Alive, 9-4X To Come Stateside

SaabSwedish supercar maker Spyker won the Saab sweepstakes and will take control of the embattled automaker. For new car buyers, it means a little less hesitancy about buying new 9-4X's and 9-5s when they become available.

The 9-4X crossover is already being sold in Europe, and the consummated deal means that shipments are likely to come to the U.S. in the next several months. It also means that the 9-5 will be slated for production in April.

Buyers worried about the longevity of Saab may take heart in the fact that Spyker received several sweetheart loans when it bought the firm, meaning there is a substantial cushion for dealerships where owners would take their cars for repairs.

More importantly, the new Saab Spyker Group recognizes that it will have to work hard to regain customer interest and loyalty after the long wait. This could mean a fair amount of incentives if Spyker executives are serious about increasing sales.

There is also talk within the two firms of creating a Saab 9-1, a compact car that would hearken back to a former cult favorite.

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About The Author

Gregg Fidan Gregg Fidan is the founder of RealCarTips. After being ripped off on his first car purchase, he devoted several years to figuring out the best ways to avoid scams and negotiate the best car deals. He has written hundreds of articles on the subject of car buying and taught thousands of car shoppers how to get the best deals.

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