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Hertz Offers 3 Day Test Drive for Used Car Buyers

Hertz Rent2Buy Used Cars Hertz is extending its Rent2Buy program to 22 states nationwide.

The program allows prospective buyers to rent a car for three days at Hertz's normal rates, but if you decide to buy it, Hertz waives the rental charge.

Hertz also offers a two-hour test drive for free.

The program makes sense for consumers. The traditional dealership test drive lasts only 10 minutes and a salesman is chattering away the whole time.

If you are alone with the car for three days, all your impressions have time to emerge.

States new to the Hertz Rent2Buy program are Minnesota, Nevada, Oklahoma and Oregon.

The program already was in operation in Alabama, Alaska, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Tennessee, Texas and Utah.

If you're open to buying a used rental car, this is a fantastic option you should look into.

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About The Author

Gregg Fidan Gregg Fidan is the founder of RealCarTips. After being ripped off on his first car purchase, he devoted several years to figuring out the best ways to avoid scams and negotiate the best car deals. He has written hundreds of articles on the subject of car buying and taught thousands of car shoppers how to get the best deals.

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